God to have you here, hopefully at peace with your self and your surrounding
If not maybe we can be of some assistance as we are establishing this foundation with that in mind.
If you find what we want to do interesting and even want to support us this is now possible through our organisation "kulturportalen Friedtegn SkolforumKulturportalen Friedtegn Skolforum is an organisation originally created in the Nordic countries. It was established in order for the little people you and me to be able to act among the big organisations as free and living learning beings.
It is founded on the simple idea of self learning by action research. By our actions we will then get experiences able to be forwarded and exchanging with others, creating a learning platform based on life and so called cultures of "you and me", this without demands, unnecessary boarders or boundaries.
By this initiative we hope to awaken the individual will to learn from personal experiences at the same time as we can pay our experiences forward scientifical to each other thereby creating circles of free and thriving culture-exploration.
By this strengthened self learning process we hope to build an individual self-learning experience-exchanging spiral for real peace actions thereby working for the global peace initiative. If this will be or not depends on what we do and how we react. if it is or not is possible to learn is up to par... and depends on whether or not we are able to be responsible for what is here and now.
Learning by doing Peace Action Research individually is the foundation. With time we will be able to go back and reflect on what was in order to see. Did we succeed or not with our intentions?
With your support you will be helping us in these efforts build a firm foundation for peace. You can support our work by giving a small donation or by buying any one of our art-works and or by providing education material, land, buildings, places or anything else that you can imagine might help us during this building process.
Once again. thank you for your interest, your time and support in whatever form. Good luck with your peace action research studies if you ever decides to start them here and now. all the best until next time. Founder and main coordinator. JH Frode FA.Signing for peace Year 11, day 65. According to the Human Peace Compass calender.